Dream Practice,
Private Practice
- Whether you are a DeNovo Start-Up or opening a satellite practice, we are here for you.
- By accessing data previously only reserved for large DSOs you can stack the odds in your favor with your location selection.
- Small and family-owned businesses are the backbone of America. We want to see it stay that way.
Dental Service Organization (DSOs)
- Competition has become extremely fierce as more venture and private equity money enters dentistry.
- Having better and more precise data to drive decisions ensures you see a return for each practice you open.
- Have more than 10 reports you would need in a year - contact us for volume pricing.
Specialty Practice
- Your needs are unique and you might have some custom desires for the optimal practice location. We can help.
- Your general dentist practice peers may be your end client - we can pinpoint where in your desired area provides the best blend of accessibility and opportunity.



The Golden Opportunity for Dentistry: Data Driven Decision Making
Analytics and Analysis, Dental Practices, Existing Practices
So you’ve decided you are going to spend seven figures to open a new location, start a practice, ...
Read More Key Pieces to Opening a New Healthcare Office: From People to Pinpoint
Analytics and Analysis, Dental Practices, Existing Practices, Healthcare Practices, Optometry Practices, Veterinary Clinics
Opening a new healthcare office is an exciting yet complex journey. It involves bringing together a team of ...
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